Monday, July 21, 2014

Sleepovers & Sweet Friends.

We had our first sleepover at a friends house this weekend and let me just say we had a BLAST! We got to go stay with our friends Karsyn and Lucas and we played till we couldn't play anymore! I think the best part was all the laughs we had playing on the trampoline. Grayson sure is a character and knows how to make people laugh!
Today we finally got to see some of our great friends Eva, Porter, Jack, and Nellie! We have missed them so much! Grayson was cracking me up because he went from one kid to the other about ten times just giving the biggest squeezes (that's how we refer to hugs)! I just had to snap this sweet picture of Eva and him hugging because she is like a sweet little momma when it comes to Grayson and I just LOVE watching them interact. Grayson has made some great best friends that were raised very well and I can say those kids have the biggest place in the hearts when it comes to sweet ole Grayson! I could not have asked for better people for us to surround ourselves with!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Sunshine & Summertime.

Aunt Lou gave Grayson a new puppy dog, we decided to name him "Buster" because we love Buster and this puppy looks just like him! Funny thing is, Grayson actually holds this "Buster", but he runs from big Buster! lol.

We became good friends with this little cutie named Sophia! Grayson and her were having a ball playing together! She is such a sweet little girl so Grayson followed her around all over Aunt Robbin's house. It was so nice getting to spend time with some family members for Aunt Vivian's birthday!

We have been swimming a few times this summer, but the temperatures are just so high we can barely stand it! We love floating in our floatie and playing catch with our ball. Our favorite activity seems to be trying to drink the pool water (GROSS)! We are very thankful that Sibby doesn't mind having company come and hangout at her house, it sure is a nice way to cool off and relax! If only I could get Grayson to try and swim like a big boy...
Last, but not least we have rode our fourwheeler a whole bunch! I have a daredevil on my hands for sure! I have never laughed so hard watching this little boy think of new ways to ride. He has sooo much fun, but we had to start riding outside because some likes to peel out and it tends to burn the carpet! (Good thing for stain remover)

Hopefully we will have some fun adventures to share with you soon!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Letter of My Love.

Dear Grayson,
   I know you can't read this yet, but it will be waiting for you when you can. It's not the first time I will write to you and it won't be the last. I don't think I could ever express how much I love you and how big of a blessing you are to me. You have brought more joy into my life than I ever thought could be possible. You make me laugh and smile, you give me hope that my future is bright because you are in it, you make me cry (now this isn't always because you are being such a stinker), but because I get so overwhelmed with the love that you show me. I never knew that someone other than Our Creator could love me this much. I mean yeah, parents love you, but I don't think it's the same as the love you show me.
  I may have not done all the things right in my life, especially leading up to you, but I am going to try my best not to let you down. I know life will not be perfect for you, but I will do my best to make our adventure together wonderful. You are already so much like me it scares me! Let me just say you have a TEMPER! (we will blame Gigi instead of mom, we call it the Busch Blood), but let's not tell her I said that! You are so smart too and I like to think you got that from your Aunt Lou because if there was a genius in the family it is her. I hope you take after her on your academics because I have never been more proud of someone in my life when it comes to trying their hardest to be the best they can be. She is going to go far kid, so take after her! I know you will do just fine, but sometimes people need to be reminded. Please keep the love that you have for the simple things in life. Fancy things and lots of money don't amount to anything. I pray all the time that you will choose family over that, because I know too many people who don't and or didn't when they had the chance, but that story shouldn't be wrote to you because we have to be the bigger people.
  I know I'm supposed to be the example for you because I'm a parent, but sometimes I feel that I don't make a good one. I will be honest with you, my Faith has not been where it should be and I am so sorry for that. I can not lead you to Christ if I have drifted away, but I am working on that because I want you to follow in His example. You are a child of the One True King and I want you to grow up acting that way and knowing the bible and knowing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Just know that I will be hard on you, but it will not be because I'm mean, it will be because I love you so much. I learned the lessons the hard way when I thought Gigi and Grumps were doing it just to be mean. If I didn't have them I would not be the parent I am today. Yes we will have our ups and downs, but there isn't a family our there who doesn't. Yes there will be days when you want to just run away (PLEASE DON'T) I don't want to have to send the cops out looking for you (; (also I have learned that running away never fixes the problem, it just creates a bigger one).
   All in all I just want you to know that my life has became so much better since you came into it. I love getting to spend every hour of every day with you and watching you learn new things. You really are my SUNSHINE on a cloudy day. I know that sounds cheesy and you will probably think that when you are able to understand what I'm saying to you, but don't ever doubt the words I say to you because they will always be true and from the heart. I'll be here for the skinned knees and owies, the rough days in school, your first heartbreak (don't rush this one okay? Let me keep you to myself for as long as possible), the times you get in trouble (I will scorn you a little, but I'll still be there), I'll be there when you get married and need advice, I'll be there when you have a child (HOLD OFF AS LONG AS POSSIBLE..please wait till after marriage), but most importantly I'll be there always till the day the Good Lord calls me home. (I know what you are thinking, am I ever going to get away from you mom?!) The answer is No! lol. Probably not.
  I will forever be grateful for you and forever be proud of you, no matter what you do. I could sit her and jabber to you all day, but you are waking up from your nap and that means it's time for me to get some hugs and kisses (yours are the best). So until next time, I love you to the moon and back and more than all the stars in the sky sweet boy.

Monday, July 14, 2014


Grayson has decided that he would like to add a few new words to his vocabulary lately! I'm talking about something other than the usual easy words that may come out of a one year olds mouth.

Words we already say include:

    Hi (this was our first word) we say it when we want to because who doesn't like being hard headed?

   Bye (we only say it when we are really feeling it), we do however wave bye pretty well!

   Momma (Oh my gosh..the amount of times I hear this a day is overwhelming, but it NEVER GETS OLD! Melts my heart knowing he will call on me over anyone else)

  Woof (we love to pretend we are a puppy every time we hear one, he especially loves his meme and papa's dogs)

  Moo (This one is a new one that we started working on thanks to momma! You see cows everywhere you go when driving so you might as well act like one right?)

  Papa (The ONLY other family member that he will say a name for! We are still working on Gigi, Grumps, Lou, and Meme. Papa not only gets to fill that special place in Grayson's heart with everyone else, but he also gets to fill his word categories too! Let me just say he lit up like a roman candle when Grayson spoke his name, I don't believe I've ever seen the man more tickled in my life!)

  No (We have only said this word a few times, thank goodness, but even though we don't speak it we make up for it by shaking our head no all the time about everything. Onry little thing! Speaking of onry he was just scratching his Aunt Lou and trying to bite her! I don't know what I'm going to do with this kid!)

  Ball (This is another new one we have said a few times. The kid loves to play ball and let me just say he has a killer arm when it comes to throwing! Future Texas Ranger on my hands here!)

  Grayson! (That's right folks! Today he started repeating his name when I said it! One proud momma right here!)

  Songs Include:

  Baby Bumble Bee
  Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
  I love you

You have never seen such a cute little singer. He holds his hands together and pretends he has the bumble bee in there while singing and rocks side to side. My heart just melts because you can hear some of the words come out of his mouth. The first song I ever taught him was I love you and when he first said it and gave me the biggest kiss and hug of my life I knew I could not have asked for a greater love than the one that God is sharing with me!

I guess I should go and quit bragging about him because he is getting into the toilet paper (one of his many tricks) and wanting to play trains! Sorry if I wrote too much, I'm still getting the hang of all this blogging stuff, just bare with me friends!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

One Year Later...

One year later and I'm finally writing about my life with Grayson. Why not share the good, the bad, and the ugly? So let me just get it started by sharing a little bit about us!

This is Grayson! As you can tell he is a little ham. He was born on June 4th of 2013 and that is the day I will forever be grateful! Our life hasn't been all rainbows and butterflies however; our hardships started when I found out I was pregnant and they will be there for the rest of our life. Grayson's dad and I split when I was still pregnant with him...I may not have the perfect family, but I sure do have the PERFECT life, because I get to spend every waking moment with this PRECIOUS gift from Our Heavenly Father.

From the faces he makes when getting in trouble, sharing cupcakes, working out, having fun, and throwing fits; this is OUR life together and I'm so excited to start sharing it!